Should You Go Fully Organic During the Postpartum Period?

Should You Go Fully Organic During the Postpartum Period

After nine months of pregnancy, your baby is finally here! Congratulations on the new addition to your sweet family!

With the presence of this source of joy in your life, you have to do whatever it takes to make sure your precious newborn is well-nourished and healthy. What is one important way you can ensure their healthy growth and developments? You guessed it! It is through your own diet and eating habit!

Understandably, you may feel like you have just reached your freedom with foods at the end of your pregnancy. However, even though childbirth is already over, it is still crucial for you to watch what you eat. We’ll talk about this more below.

The truth is, going into labour and giving birth can take away a lot of energy and vital nutrients from your body. You will also lose a lot of blood during the hours-long procedure. Hence, you have to spend the confinement period to replenish all the lost nutrients and promote better blood production and circulation. 

At this point, you have to hold on to the principle of “you are what you eat”. Food should be among the matters you take seriously in order to regain back your energy after childbirth as well as boost your internal postpartum delivery. 

Not to mention, you will be breastfeeding your infant too! The confinement food you eat will determine your breast milk supply and quality. At this point, your milk is the sole source of your baby’s food and nutrition. In a way, it is true that you are still eating ‘for two’ during this time. 

Ideally, new mothers should consume fully organic food for confinement period. Why? Well, read on to find out!

What is organic food?

Before looking at the benefits associated with organic foods, you may be asking: What actually is organic food? Food is classified as organic when it’s grown and processed without the use of synthetic fertilisers, pesticides, bioengineered genes, and antibiotics. 

Likewise, organic livestock reared for meat and dairy products ought to have unrestricted access to fresh air, sunlight and be fed with organic feed. The livestock should not be reared with the help of GMOs, animal by-products or antibiotics.

Hence, organic foods possible make the most ideal type of postpartum confinement food to go with. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves! Here are several more benefits of going fully organic when in confinement.

Benefits of Organic Foods

Safer Option

From the definition of organic food, you can see that they are not grown using synthetic pesticides. In contrast, they employ naturally-derived pesticides which are less toxic. 

Therefore, by turning to fully organic foods, you can avoid the risk of being contaminated by toxins and pesticide residues. Babies are most prone to pesticide exposure as their immune systems are still weak and developing, so staying away from any factors that can compromise that is crucial. 

Moreover, pesticides and toxins can be passed from the mother to child while breastfeeding. Exposure during the early stages may lead to damaged immune system, child developmental delays, and behavioural disorders. Keep breastfeeding safe by keeping to a diet of organic foods!

Higher Nutritional Value

Higher Nutritional Value

Recent findings and studies show that organic food has a higher nutritional value compared to conventional food. Yes, organic food can replenish all the nutrients lost during delivery! 

For example, studies have shown that levels of particular nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids were almost 50% higher in organic livestock and dairy products compared to conventionally reared versions. Likewise, eating organic crops that are richer in minerals and vitamins a plethora of health benefits to new mothers!

What about food for breastfeeding mother? Here’s the thing. One reason why the high nutritional value is crucial during confinement is that a lot of the nutrients your body gets will be passed down to your breastfed infant. If you are specifically considering to plan or look for confinement food for breastfeeding, organic foods are certainly highly recommended. 

Gives Your Food a Better Taste

After childbirth, new mothers may be vulnerable to mood swings, fatigue, and depression. Worry not! There are a lot of Chinese confinement foods that can boost your moods, mainly because they are so full of flavours!

Food a Better Taste

Given that no pesticides are involved in their growth and processing, organic fruits and vegetables experience constant attacks from insects and diseases. When organic crops are attacked, they increase their defences through the production of increased antioxidant levels.

Increased antioxidant levels have a positive impact on the food’s organoleptic qualities which include taste, aroma, and mouthfeel. Organic fruits and vegetables never fail to be delicious and savoury. New moms can sate their cravings and be filled with joy!

All in all, organic foods are top of the list when it comes to providing you and your new-born with the best possible nutrition during the postnatal period. 

At Tian Wei Signature, all our foods are natural and organic with zero added artificial flavours and no MSG. Interested to know more about the kinds of food we serve to new mothers? We are always one call away!