When Is It Okay to Go on a Diet After Birth?

Diet After Birth

Just like a lot of other procedures or healing processes, one would naturally heal over some time after giving birth. Of course, it is also normal for them to dream of getting pre-pregnancy figures back afterwards. While it is easier to think that the latter would also happen naturally after some time, the reality is not that simple. Sure, some of us are lucky enough to have it happen that way. For the rest of us, a bit of work may need to be put in, be it through physical exercises or modification of diet.

That said, attempting weight loss right after birth is not really advisable. If you seek the opinions of experts, they would most likely suggest you to not focus on losing weight just yet, especially given the fact that you will be using up a lot of calories from breastfeeding on a daily basis. Of course, this can differ from one mom to another, so make sure to get an opinion based on your condition from your doctor. Still, if you indeed wish to start losing weight and feel fine enough to do so, we hope this article will help you in a way or another!

“When can I start losing weight?”

If your recovery goes pretty well, you may still be recommended to wait for about 6 to 8 weeks after birth before starting anything to lose weight. Your body needs sufficient calories from early on so that you can produce and maintain a good milk supply.

“What should I consider when planning to lose weight after birth?”

Wait until your baby is around two months old

Try not to consciously start your weight loss plans yet right after birth, especially in the first two months. Not only it allows your body to heal properly, but it also ensures that your milk supply will continue to be produced well throughout this time, compared to if you suddenly modify your diet or lower your calories.

Keep Breastfeeding

Mother Breastfeeding her baby

Research has shown that breastfeeding is one of the activities that can greatly contribute to postpartum weight loss journeys. It is believed that you can burn up to 500 calories in one breastfeeding session, depending on how much milk is your body producing. Hence, if you feel fine and comfortable to continue breastfeeding, you can keep on doing it. 

To improve your breast milk production, some of the best confinement food for breastfeeding include oat lactation cookies, fennel, green papaya, ginger and fenugreek. Meanwhile, there are various nursing tools that can help you along the way. If you are on the lookout for authentic maternity products, you should check out trusted platforms like MumChecked!

Consume Enough Calories Every Day

The recommended calorie intake for a nursing mom is around 1500-1800 per day. Your doctor might advise you to stay at a rather high end of this range, so do seek their advice if you are keen on following proper dietary recommendations.   

Start Gradually

Try to not put your body in a shock. If you plan to reduce your calories, do it slowly and over a certain period of time. Not to mention, your body can burn up hundreds of calories when you are breastfeeding, abruptly lowering your daily calorie intake can potentially cause a drop in your milk supply.

Keep Weight Loss at a Moderate Level

This goes without saying, but you should never force yourself to the extreme especially given the condition you are in. Do not set a tough weight-loss goal for yourself to achieve within any time period. Not only you have to let your body heal first, but it can also stress you out if you are unable to achieve it. At the early stage of your postpartum recovery, your no.1 priority should be your health. Plus, remember that you will be gradually losing weight after the delivery itself, so give yourself time and more break.

Avoid Quick-Fix Diets

Try not to consider any extreme diets for your confinement diet plan. The quick-fix solutions include low-carb diet, liquid-only diet, and even taking weight loss supplements or pills, and many more that promise ‘fast weight loss’. are not recommended while breastfeeding. These diets normally only work for a short term and even worse, can mess up your metabolism. It is always best to go slower at it and maintain your ideal weight for a long time rather than reaching it fast and unable to maintain it.

Exercise Moderately

Of course, diet is always best paired with some exercises. Exercising or working out can help you burn fat and build muscle mass. With more muscle, you can generally burn more calories. According to your capabilities, you may want to avoid high-impact ones when you are just starting. Understandably, you may not yet be in a well enough condition to start anything. In case you need more rest, do rest because this is the best decision for your body so that it can fully rest instead of being exerted.

You May Also Read this : Confinement Diet Tips to Help You Lose Weight

It is also helpful if you keep a lookout on the kind of confinement food you are eating in the first postpartum month. This isn’t to say that the foods should be kept clean and bland all the way, but you can tweak it to be healthy without compromising their flavours. There can be a wide variety of confinement food too! You don’t necessarily have to stick with what’s traditional because a more modernised food can still be as equally healthy. You no longer have to worry about the period after pregnancy what to eat anymore.

Despite everything, you may know what you want for your body, but you may not know what will work the best without putting yourself at harm. Hence, if you want to start working on your weight and body, do consult the medical professionals first to rule out any health problems that could contraindicate your diet. If you’ve got all these figured out, you’re good to go! We wish you all the best!