Essential Must-Have Foods In Your Meal During Confinement

Meal During Confinement

Confinement diet is a crucial part of your body’s path to recovery. During confinement, mothers are urged to consume more “heaty” or warm foods to enable the womb to heal faster and to discharge wind from the body. 

Hence, it is necessary that you eat a balanced diet so that your baby will get the right nutrients for optimum growth and development. 

To encourage lactation and maintain the quality of breast milk, you should eat a variety of food consisting of a variety of foods.

Traditional Chinese confinement food consists mainly of old ginger, sesame oil, black vinegar, lots of meat and many more, which is meant to refurbish the body of a new mother with energy and nutrients. 

Below are some foods you might want to add to your diet during the month of postnatal confinement.

Dairy Products

Ensure that you consume enough dairy products for your calcium needs. Milk, yoghurt and cheese products are all safe for consumption if breastfeeding. You should also consume at least three servings of dairy products daily to replenish your body’s calcium to maintain bone health. 


Oats are high in vitamins, protein, and fibre, vital components for your body. 

Fibre will help fight constipation, a common occurrence during the postnatal period. 

Based on word of mouth, some say that oatmeal can boost your milk supply. No harm in trying!

Oatmeal also helps to control diabetes during post-pregnancy.

Lean Meats

For a healthier consumption of red meat, lean red meats like lean beef and lean pork. It is a great source of protein which is essential during postpartum recovery to promote wound healing and muscle repairs in the body.

In general, lean red meat contains lower fat levels than the usual red meat, which helps keep your cholesterol and blood pressure levels in check.

Brown Rice

Compared to white rice, brown rice contains higher fiber content. This makes brown rice a better source of complex carbohydrates. The fiber allows brown rice to take longer to digest, which helps avoid spikes in blood sugar, instead gradually increasing blood sugar throughout the day, providing a more stable energy source. 

Such phenomena help regulate insulin levels in the body, which impacts the regulation of reproductive hormones, energy balance and mood swings.


Rich in heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, so it is recommended to include salmon as part of your weekly diet, especially when nourishing for two (via breastfeeding this time instead). Omega 3-DHA fatty acids are essential for brain development and function, as well as visual acuity. Having adequate intake would translate to adequate transfer of Omega 3-DHA into the breastmilk for the baby. 

Additionally, it’s an excellent source of Vitamin D, which can be difficult to get from other foods and plays an important role in supporting your immune system, promoting balanced hormones while aiding in calcium absorption to help strengthen bones. 

Taking care of yourself postpartum is key – nourishing your body not only gives you more energy and vitality but also positively impacts your overall health long term – so make sure to include salmon as a must-have food in your diet!


When asked what food is good for confinement, one must include water. 

Yes, it is technically not food, but it is one of the essential components to support you as you recover from childbirth and breastfeed.

As breastfeeding produces much fluid for the baby from your body, replenishment is essential to avoid dehydration in mothers. Dehydrated mothers can lead to slower recovery and a higher risk of constipation and fatigue.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a bottle of water next to you during breastfeeding and keep yourself hydrated while you munch on all those confinement foods and hearty soups!


Liver for Confinement Meal

Did you know that the liver is a superfood for new mothers? It has natural multivitamins and is a great source of protein. It also has easily absorbed iron and high amounts of vitamins such as B, C, A, D and E, which is important as you have to replenish the iron you lost during childbirth. 

You require vitamins and proteins to reparate body tissues as a new mother. You also require adequate iron to help build haemoglobin. Otherwise, you risk getting anaemia.

Despite how highly nutritious the liver is, it is important to not take too much liver as it may cause vitamin A toxicity. Chinese Nutrition Society Guidelines for breastfeeding mothers in China recommend an intake of organ meats like the liver not be taken more than one to two times per week, have it prepared with carbohydrates and complete it with a generous serving of fruits and fresh salad.


Quinoa for Confinement

Quinoa is an excellent source of dietary fibre, protein, essential vitamins, and minerals, making it a beneficial choice for postpartum recovery and enhancing energy levels. Remind your confinement nanny to pair Chinese confinement food with quinoa. The meal will help you fight any forms of constipation and ease your digestive system.

Chicken Soup

Chicken Soup

To boost milk production, every mother needs adequate fluids. Drinking red dates tea is encouraged throughout the day and night. The good news is you can also increase your fluid intake through soups! And for that, we recommend none other than the much-loved chicken soup.

Chicken soup is a highly nutritious dish for you during your recovery period. Yes, it will keep you warm, which is why chicken soup after delivery makes a great addition to your confinement meals. With chicken soup, your baby will have sufficient milk for growth.

Pamper yourself with these highly nutritious dishes as you recover from childbirth. Create the best food for confinement menu with your nanny and enjoy deep nourishment during your recovery period. If you are bored, you can alternate them and enjoy the array of health benefits.

If you wonder about the kinds of confinement meals SG moms normally opt for, you’ll be surprised to know they are served in huge varieties! Don’t believe us? Just have a quick look at our menu!