Why pig trotters during confinement ?

Pig trotters during confinement - Tian Wei Signature

Postnatal confinement is a traditional practice of rest and recuperation that mothers have observed for centuries. Throughout the world, post-natal confinement is seen as an important part of the recovery process after giving birth. In many cultures, food plays an important role in postnatal confinement. One of the most popular foods that mothers consume during this time are pig-trotters. But why? 

Pig Trotters Benefits During Confinement?

Pork Trotters can be commonly found in confinement meals planned by midwives. It is known to be a traditional healing food of confinement by the Cantonese. The reason for this is due to the high benefits that it provides. Pork trotters are believed to be a recommended confinement food as it aids mothers in their milk lactation. In Chinese tradition, confinement mothers often are served with pork trotter vinegar. It is believed to be warming, restorative and strengthening for their body. It is important and beneficial for confinement mothers to consume pork trotter vinegar in order to help them to enhance their energy, also known as “qi. The other key ingredient is black vinegar which is also known as brown rice vinegar. It has been said that the black vinegar in this dish traditionally helps to promote blood flow, reduce bleeding and remove toxins in the body.

The Nutritional Value of Pig Trotters 

Pig trotters are considered a nutritional powerhouse when it comes to postnatal confinement foods because they are a good source of protein, zinc, phosphorus, vitamin B12, vitamin B1, and iron. 

Protein and zinc helps to rebuild and repair muscles that were damaged during labour and delivery, especially after a caesarean section. On the other hand, iron and vitamin B12 helps to replenish blood supply or red blood cells. 

As such, pig trotters are a great way for new moms to get the essential nutrients they need while recovering from childbirth .

Additionally, the braise pork trotter in vinegar served goes well with hard boiled eggs. They are not only a great complement to the dish, but highly nutritious to have too! Eggs are an amazing source of vitamin D, choline and protein. Obtaining Vitamin D from foods during the housebound confinement period is essential as many mothers are not exposed to the sun much and are at risk of vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is important for optimising immune system function. On the other hand, choline is essential for brain development in babies. Since choline is dependent on maternal intake and it leaks into the breast milk, having eggs during confinement can be beneficial!  Learn more about our Traditional Confinement Menu

Many new mothers tend to have stretch marks on their tummy area, thighs, breast and also arms. Midwives often say that pork trotters can help those stretch marks due to their high collagen content.

In the olden days, folks believed that if women in their 30’s began to eat this dish regularly, it would influence younger looking skin during their 40’s. Pig trotters have the effect of purging the wind from new mother’s bodies and replenishing the body with much needed iron and calcium. Learn more why do confinement mothers need more Iron and Calcium

On top of that, the gelatinous texture of pig trotter dishes produced from slow cooking for long hours also makes them easy to consume while recovering from childbirth. 

Iconic Pig Trotter Dish for Post-Natal Confinement 

There are so many delicious dishes that you can make with pig trotters! 

One iconic dish that we all should know by now is the legendary pig trotter with black vinegar (go on and try vinegar pig trotter during pregnancy and during confinement for more oomph!).

Pig Trotter Vinegar Benefits?

This dish is full of flavour and provides all the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs after giving birth and this comforting dish is just what you need when feeling tired and run down after childbirth! 

Closing Words 

Making sure you get the right nutrition during post-natal confinement is essential for your recovery process. By incorporating pig trotters into your diet during this time you can be sure you’re getting all the essential nutrients your body needs—and enjoying some delicious meals at the same time! Whether it’s congee or steamed pork hock with ginger, there are so many iconic dishes that you can make using pig trotters—so why not give them a try? Your body will thank you for it!